Todd Hewing Managing Broker

Licensed in Illinois
Greenup Branch Office
Hello. Glad you found Buy A Farm Land and Auction Company and made it to my profile.
I have been buying and selling land for the better part of 40 years and around 20 of those years as a agent.  I was instrumental in the formation of Buy A Farm Land and Auction Company from the conception. Over the years I have spear headed several very large auctions, not as an auctioneer, but as the person making them happen. My partner Mark Kennedy has called the vast majority of them as he and I worked for the same company prior to the formation of Buy A Farm.  Several large sales for The Natures Conservancy where the acreage was measured in the 1,000 of acres. I also spearheaded the Kecks Marsh Auction.  I have had one failed auction over the years and eventually sold that one later. So, if you are considering an auction, give me a call. I am not going to attempt to put lipstick on a pig, but I will give you my honest opinion and tell the truth rather than tell you something I cannot produce.
I primarily list farmland or recreational land. I like land; I’m not much for homes or commercial sales because that is just not who I am. I would rather tell you up front than just get you on a listing hoping some other agent sells it so I can get half the commission.  There are very few real estate agents in Illinois with more personal experience in buying or selling land. Personally, I’ve been down just about every road there is in that arena and I believe my personal experience is much more valuable than my real estate experience. It might be a little sting for an agent if something goes wrong, but it hurts bad when it’s your farm. I am an avid sportsman; maybe the luckiest guy I know because I have been able to pursue my love of the outdoors more than anyone I know and for that I am thankful. These days everyone that’s killed a big deer seems to start selling ground and many agents you would think by their write ups and pictures are accomplished hunters....many of them don’t even hunt.  I know what I am doing in the woods, and I will not paint you a fairy tale just to get a commission check.
Many of my past customers have become good friends and a lot of my business is repeat several folds. My father has been a large player in the ground business as has the rest of my family and I gain experience from working with them as well in leasing, CRP and many other aspects. I am going to be tough to get a hold of on many occasions like cool mornings or evenings with a front coming through. When the turkeys are gobbling and the waterfowl migrating, just bear with me; I will get back to you and when I do I will shoot straight with you.
I live in Jasper County near Hidalgo. My 5 kids are grown, my covey of grandkids continues to grow and my Labrador Susy is my running mate most days. I am a Bowhunter first and foremost and have done so since 1976.  I typically get to chase turkey most every morning of season with family and friends; I have many constructed wetlands that I enjoy duck hunting on and I spend my nights calling coyotes. My door is always open whether you do business with me or my completion doesn’t matter if I can help in anyway just say so.
My final comment... recreational land buyers, make choices as a land buyer and investor not as a hunter. In Illinois you can make deer ground great pretty much anywhere in 3 to 5 years, but please look at it as an investment first. Take care, Todd
Contact Todd
Todd’s Properties
12 Properties Found
View List- Sold
Recreational Property Enrolled in Wetland Reserve Program
2,090.87 Acres | $4,390,827Olney, IL | Richland / Wayne County - Sold
Stotlar Island For Sale in Mississippi River
27.00 Acres | $39,900Hamburg, IL | Calhoun County - Sold
Hunt and Recreational Property with Income!
166.00 Acres | $739,900, IL | Cumberland County - Sold
Excellent Hunt and Recreational Property with Income!
245.00 Acres | $1,100,000, IL | Cumberland County - Sold
Mostly Tillable Farm / Great Soil Types
85.00 Acres | $595,000Ware, IL | Union County - Sold
Lot with Cabin / Home on 65-Acre Lake Patterson
n/a Acres | $129,900Edgewood, IL | Clay County - Sold
ONLINE AUCTION: Monroe County IL 282+- Acres - 4 Tracts
n/a Acres |Valmeyer, IL | Monroe County - Sold
302-Acre Farmstead with 288 Tillable Acres, Home, Shop, Barns and Bins
302.00 Acres | $1,699,000Grand Chain, IL | Pulaski County - Sold
Very Nice River Farm with 188+/- Tillable Acres
191.00 Acres | $1,249,000Ware, IL | Union County