229+- Acres Alexander County IL Farm Cropland Tillable 2385L

Alexander County| 229 Acres| $1,832,000| McClure IL


Mostly Tillable Farmland Just East of Cape Girardeau MO

Rice, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans or Wheat! This property is set up to grow it all! 229 acres with 216.5 acres tillable cropland. Property is leveled to a 1% grade and has three 16” irrigation wells. It lays in 2 tracts just East of Cape Girardeau MO.

The larger tract (158 acres) is at the intersection of IL Rt 3 and IL Rt 146 on the north side Rt 146. There are 149.59 acres in cropland and 2 irrigation wells with turbine pumps. PI is 113.1.

The second tract (71 acres) is 1.25 miles west of IL Rt 3 at the intersection and south of IL Rt 146 and west of Gerald Road and is all tillable. It has one irrigation well with a turbine pump. PI is 113.1.

Property Features

  • Address: McClure IL
  • List Price: $8,000 per acre
  • Parcel #10-02-17-112-016, 10-02-16-111-016, 16-02-02-154-007
  • Taxes: To be determined, comingled
  • Section 18, 16 and 17, T14S/14S - R3W/3W
  • 226.79 tillable acres
  • Three 16" wells with turbine pumps (power units not included)
  • Mineral rights included

Property Map

McClure, IL